Nancy Jane Day Scholarship

Nancy Jane Day Scholarship Application

The Nancy Jane Day Scholarship is awarded to a SCASL member to reimburse the cost of one successfully completed college course taken for credit to improve job performance or to complete a graduate degree in library science.

Nancy Jane Day Scholarship Application

The following guidelines apply to the recipient of this award.

The money shall be applied to a graduate level course taken in library science to improve job performance in the school library media profession or to complete a degree in library science.

The grant shall not exceed the tuition cost of one three-hour in-state graduate course at the University of South Carolina.

The recipient shall be a member of South Carolina Association of School Librarians.

The scholarship funds shall be used to reimburse a course completed during the previous 12 months prior to the application for the award.

The applicant must be in good academic standing and have a letter of recommendation from his/her professor sent to the Awards Committee Chair.


To increase the number and quality of school library media personnel in South Carolina.


The following information must be completed according to the directions provided below. Label all sections. Do not exceed space limitations indicated. Font size must be no less than 12. 

A. Cover Sheet. Please include this information. (1 page)

Name of Nominee, Position, E-mail Address, Telephone and Address at Work, Telephone and Address at Home, Number of Years you have been a member of SCASL.

Name, Address, Telephone, E-mail Address, and Signature of a SCASL member who will support this application.

Describe your educational background including degrees held, colleges attended, other courses taken, and professional experience.

B. In narrative form, address the following questions. (1 page)

What course did you take during the previous 12 months for which you would like to receive a scholarship?

Will this course be applied toward a degree, recertification, or personal improvement? Explain.

How would this scholarship help you in your job performance?

What are your professional goals?

Submission of Application:

The written application must be completed in Google Docs and link emailed to [email protected].  A scanned copy of an unofficial transcript should also be included and emailed to [email protected], showing a satisfactory grade of B or better. All applications will become the property of SCASL. The committee cannot consider any applications submitted after the first Friday in December deadline.