Information Technology

Function: The Information Technology Committee promotes the role of the school librarian as a technology leader and supports the integration of technology into the total school curriculum.

Composition: The Information Technology Committee is made up of a Committee Chair and members chosen by the chair.

Chairperson: The Information Technology Committee Chair is selected by the SCASL President.


- Promote the role of the school librarian as a technology leader.
- Promote the integration of information technology into the total school curriculum.
- Promote information literacy into the total school curriculum.

Committee Members

To Be Announced

Chair: Lessie Bernshouse, Sumter School District, [email protected]


SCASL-LS Discussion List & Guidelines

The SCASL-LS list is a discussion list hosted by the University of South Carolina for the South Carolina Association of School Librarians. Members of the SCASL Information Technology Committee will monitor the list. This is a public professional forum, focusing on topics of interest that relate to school library media and information centers. The goal of the SCASL-LS is to foster professional networking among list members. To facilitate this goal, the SCASL Information Technology committee has developed the following guidelines based on those of the LM-NET and USC listserv systems.

List Etiquette
All postings should focus on topics of interest to the school library media and information center community. This is not the venue for personal messages or social commentary.
Include a subject line in each posting, using appropriate subject headings (see below).
When replying to a message, paraphrase or quote selectively, rather than include original message in its entirety.

Think before you post. Please remember that this is a public forum with many members.
Adhere to the SCASL-LS ”signature file” outline (see below).  Please participate!

Have trouble with the SCASL Listserv?
Please contact Lessie Bernshouse (ITChair) [email protected] OR The University of South Carolina at 803-777-6015.

Improper Use
Please remember that all postings to the list are monitored. A member of the SCASL Information Technology committee will contact privately anyone posting inappropriate messages. Anyone who refuses to adhere to list guidelines can be removed from the SCASL-LS list.

Inappropriate messages include:

- postings that are denigrating to any group of people (e.g. racial, religious, professional, geographical, national, etc.);
- remarks that are inflammatory, rude, grossly inappropriate, or defamatory;
- personal attacks against members who have posted to the list;
- anything that should have been sent to an individual rather than the list.

Please be considerate of others. Through inexperience, carelessness, or limited local software, list members may inadvertently violate these guidelines. A private message to the offender from an experienced friend or from the list monitors is more appropriate than a message posted to the list. Everyone understands how embarrassing it is to mistakenly send something to the list that was intended for an individual– there is no need to post an apology to the list.

Signature file
SCASL-LS subscribers must include a signature file when posting messages. Long signatures are discouraged. Use of quotations may be entertaining initially, but get old quickly and take up valuable computer space and the reader’s time. The following information only need be included:

1. Name, Occupation/Job Title
2. Worksite
3. E-mail address

How to Subscribe and Other Commands

To Subscribe to SCASL-LS 
Send a mail message to [email protected]
Leave the subject line blank.
In the body of the message type:
Subscribe SCASL-LS yourfirstname yourlastname (italics denote message to type)

To Unsubscribe to SCASL-LS 
Send a mail message to [email protected]
Leave the subject line blank.
In the body of the message type:

Getting a list of members of the listserv 
Send a message to [email protected]
Leave the subject line blank.
In the body of the message type:
The listserv will send you a list of members and their email addresses.

To Set Mail to Digest 
If you wish to receive a daily compilation of all the days activities rather than receiving each message individually, send a message to [email protected]
Leave the subject line blank.
In the body of the message type:
Set SCASL-LS digest

To turn the Digest off 
Send a message to [email protected]
Leave the subject line blank.
In the body of the message type:

Going on Vacation? 
Send a message to [email protected]
Leave the subject blank.
In the body of the message type:
Set SCASL-LS nomail

When you are ready to start reading your email again, send a message to [email protected] 
Leave subject blank.
In the body of the message type:
Set SCASL-LS mail

Sending Messages
To send a message to all members of the listserv
Address the message to [email protected]
Type your subject-include subject heading.
Type your message and send the mail.
The message will go to all the members of the group

To send a reply to all members of the listserv 
Choose Reply on the mail toolbar.
The address line will indicate the message will go to [email protected] (that means the listserv)
The subject will be the same as the original message with “Re:” preceding it.
When you send the message, it will go to all the members of the list.

To send a reply to an individual 
Choose Reply on the mail toolbar.
Replace the listserv address with the address of the individual.

Compiling Hits 
If you are soliciting information from members of the list, ask the members to respond to you directly. Type the word TARGET and your topic on the subject line (i.e., Target: Choosing Online Catalogs). After you have compiled all your responses, send one message to all members of the list summarizing the information that you received. Type the word HIT and the topic (i.e., HIT: Choosing Online Catalogs) on the subject line. This provides members with a summary of the topic instead of many individual messages.

Subject Headings
In order to assist members in managing large volumes of SCASL-LS mail, please use the following subject headings when posting messages to the list:
ELEM: postings for elementary school topics (grades preK-5)
MID: postings for middle school topics (grades 6-8)
SEC: posting for secondary school topics (grades 9-12)
GEN: topics of interest to the entire list
ADMIN: restricted for official messages from the SCASL Information Technology committee
JOBS: postings of job vacancies

Commercial Vendors
Messages from vendors, producers, and special interest groups are prohibited without the prior approval of the chairperson of the SCASL Information Technology Committee.

Copyright Considerations
Please do not post messages containing content that is under copyright. That includes messages that are posted to other online groups. Obtain permission first.

To search the archives go to in your browser. Use the search feature or access the list by dates. The first time you try to search or access anything you will be told that you need to type in your e-mail address and listserv password. Click on the link to get a new listserv password if you have not used the web-based listserv before. You will receive an e-mail confirmation that you must reply to in order for your password to be successfully registered.  Current archives only go back as far as January 2009.

Infractions & Consequences of List Serv Misuse

First offense = warning in e-mail from IT Committee Chair, documentation of first warning (date, topic) noted in database to be maintained by current IT Chair

Second Offense = second stronger warning in an email from IT Committee Chair; documentation of second warning (date, topic) noted in database to be maintained by current IT Chair.

Third Offense = removal from SCASL list serv

Questions or comments regarding the use and/or guidelines for the SCASL List serv should be directed to the Information Technology Commitee Chair.

Guidelines developed by the SCASL Information Technology Committee.
Approved by SCASL Board on September 29, 2001.

Updated: July 2024