Where is my AASL Standards Book?

The AASL Standards order has shipped and Diane Ervin is currently sorting and shipping books (if you requested shipment).  If you have not yet paid, you need to do so before Diane can ship the books. Regional workshops begin this month. Workshops will feature information about the new AASL Standards. Don't delay, register today at the form below.You will have an opportunity to network with other librarians. It is a fun time!


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Share the Message!

Start 2018 off right by connecting with teacher cadets, student teachers and new teachers in your building and district. Share this digital flyer from the Pre-Service Education Committee and start laying the groundwork for collaboration. Share the message of how school libraries transform learning!

Shared by Elizabeth Graham
Woodland Heights Elementary
SCASL 2017-2018 PreService Committee Chair

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Book Award Dates/Deadlines

Good Morning!

We hope everyone is geared up and ready to participate in the 2017-2018 book award programs!

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Librarians Regional Meetings SOON! Pee Dee Meeting Canceled

We have been notified today that the Pee Dee Regional Meeting for Librarians has had to be cancelled due to the date no longer being available, as it is now a scheduled make-up day. As many schools have recently suffered school cancelations due to weather all across the state, it is difficult to say a Pee Dee Regional Meeting will be rescheduled. In light of that, SCASL, USC-SLIS, and the SC SDE strongly recommend Pee Dee attendees sign up to attend one of other Librarians Regional Meeting dates, which are as follows:

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The Color Purple


The Broadway Musical, The Color Purple is going to be at the Peace Center in downtown Greenville during our conference! You can get your discounted tickets for the 7:30 pm performance on Thursday, March 15th when you register at for only $70. We must have at least 15 participants to get the discount, so invite your friends. The deadline to get your ticket is January 30th.

If you have already registered, you can submit an additional registration form to get your ticket.


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The AASL 2017 Weeding Session - more info as requested

Ann Morgester of Anchorage, Alaska shared these resources in a Weeding Session at the AASL 2017 National Conference. The link to her posters that were crowdsourced at the beginning of the session are entertaining and enlightening, and many will see their own mindset in the shared comments.


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Let's vote for our very own Frank Baker for Educators' Choice Content Award!

We are honored to learn that our very own SCASL Member and resident Media Literacy Guru is up for a community voted award!  Voting is open through Dec 15. 

Vote here.

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SCASL at the 2017 AASL National Conference Standards Workshop

Heather Thore, SCASL President-Elect and Kristie Haltiwanger, SCASL Standards and Guidelines Committee Chairperson represented SCASL at the  AASL National Conference, 2017 in Phoenix, Arizona. They attended the 1.5 day pre-conference in which they examined the newly released National School Library Standards for School Librarians, Learners and School Libraries. The standards were presented using a double track agenda. While delving into the standards participants practiced strategies that may be used with their students. At the 2018 Regional Workshops for Library Media Specialists in January and February these strategies will be implemented as the standards are introduced to librarians across South Carolina. If you have not already registered for the workshop in your region do not hesitate. This is professional development that you do not want to miss!

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Net Neutrality - Librarians need to take action

Originally published on SCASL's Facebook:

Part of our mission as librarians is to protect access to information. The Net Neutrality issue is a threat to this core value. I hope you'll take a moment to call, fax, or email our Congressmen. 202-224-3121 or text Resist to 50409 to set up fax communication. It only takes a moment but it protects our freedoms as a citizen and allows us to better serve our students. This is not a partisan issue. 
Tamara Cox-Legislative Chair SCASL

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Congrats to all the students, librarians, and school!

Portions of this post come directly from To read the entire post, please visit the link.

Thank you to all of the teachers and media specialists for entering the contest and encouraging your students to read!

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Introducing the New Library Standards

Have you seen this??

AASL Releases School Librarian's National Standards - SPECIAL PRICE

The new National Standards for Libraries was released November 10, 2017 for sale. The book comes at a cost of $199.00, and takes the three previous library standards documents and combines them into one complete with scenarios, helpful infographics, and more.
While the book is expensive, available only from the American Library Association, South Carolina Librarians can purchase it at a discount for just $99 through the South Carolina Association of School Librarians. In January and February 2018, there are slated Librarian Regional Meetings collectively planned by Regina Thurmond of the South Carolina Department of Education, Dr. Karen Gavigan of the University of South Carolina's School of Library and Information Science, and Cathy Jo Nelson, President of the South Carolina Association of School Librarians. Plans for this librarian focused professional development include a general session keynote and breakout sessions that feature these brand new AASL National Standards for School Librarians. Those interested in making this purchase at the discounted price should visit to act now. Those who make the purchase by December 15, 2017 will have their copy for the Librarians Professional Development Regional Meetings planned for January and February 2018. 

2018 SCASL Book Awards Bookmark Contest

Ronda Speed, librarian at Sumter High School also graciously shares a video promotion about the new 2018 SCASL Book Awards Bookmark Contest. 


Join us!

Thanks Ronda Speed of Sumter High School for creating this wonderful reminder to join or renew! Her video was created in Animoto and uses all copyright friendly images from Pixabay


It's in Our Hands

Dear Colleagues:
Approaching the annual conference in Phoenix, AZ on November 9-11, the American Association of School Libraries (AASL) is celebrating its 65th anniversary as a division of the American Library Association by promoting programs designed to transform the school library profession, and your assistance is needed.

 School librarians nationwide benefit greatly from the programs and collective effort of AASL membership. The current campaign offers an opportunity for both members and non-members to bolster the strength of the organization and is aptly named It’s in Our Hands: Celebrating the Past and Transforming the Future. Donations will support two programs that will impact the school library profession:

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SCASL Board of Directors Summer Retreat

Keep SC DISCUS strong!

Help keep SC DISCUS strong! Contact your local House of Representatives or SC Senate members.

Proposed Changes to DISCUS
The South Carolina House of Representatives members have rejected the Senate’s version of the budget for the South Carolina State Library, and have submitted an amendment to control the type of materials thatare purchased for DISCUS, this means that the budget will go to a conference committee for discussion.

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Message from Superintendent Molly Spearman!

In this video Molly Spearman helps us celebrate National School Library Month and congratulates our School Librarian of the Year Pamela Williams!

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SC Impact Study Featured in SLJ Article

Dr. Karen Gavigan and Keith Curry Lance flesh out more inspiring details in this SLJ piece on our South Carolina School Library Impact Study. Read the whole article here. These points are great to use with your annual report!

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SCASL Publishes Position Statement on Evaluation of SC School Librarians

assets/scaslpositionstatementonevaluatingschoollibrarians 2.pdf

SCASL Position Statement on Evaluating School Librarians

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