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Proposed ByLaw Changes

During our 44th Annual Conference General Business Meeting for Membership, there are 5 ByLaw changes being proposed. Here are those bylaw proposed changes: 

2019 SCASL Annual Business Meeting
Proposed ByLaw Changes
March 8, 2019

Item #1

Rationale for Change:

Current wording is unnecessary and not consistent with wording of other sections.

Current Wording:

Article IV. Officers

Section C. Nominations and elections

c. Nominations by Petition

A candidate may be nominated by petition signed by twenty-five (25) SCASL members. This petition, along with the written consent of the nominee, shall be filed with the Immediate Past President two hours prior to the Association's annual business meeting. The names of candidates so nominated will be added to the ballot

Proposed Change:

Remove the heading Nominations by Petition from section C.

Wording if Passed:

Article IV. Officers

Section C. Nominations and elections

c.  A candidate may be nominated by petition signed by twenty-five (25) SCASL members. This petition, along with the written consent of the nominee, shall be filed with the Immediate Past President two hours prior to the Association's annual business meeting. The names of candidates so nominated will be added to the ballot


Item #2

Rationale for Change:

The Advocacy and Public Awareness Committees have similar purposes - to advocate for school libraries and librarians, and to publicize their activities. Combining the committees will unify and simplify the process.

Current Wording:

Article VII. Committees, Sections, and Regional Network 

Section 1. Standing Committees.

a. Advocacy Committee. The duties of the Advocacy Committee shall be to advocate for librarians, school libraries and their programs; to inform the membership of issues impacting school library programs; and to provide tools to members to be advocates for the profession.

m. Public Awareness Committee. The duties of the Public Awareness Committee shall be to publicize the activities of the Association.

Proposed Change:

Combine the advocacy committee and public awareness committee.

Wording if Passed:

Article VII. Committees, Sections, and Regional Network 

Section 1. Standing Committees.

a. Advocacy Committee. The duties of the Advocacy Committee shall be to advocate for librarians, school libraries and their programs; to inform the membership of issues impacting school library programs; to provide tools to members to be advocates for the profession; and to publicize the activities of the Association.


Item #3

Rationale for Change:

The Advocacy and Public Awareness Committees have similar purposes - to advocate for school libraries and librarians, and to publicize their activities. Combining the committees will unify and simplify the process.

Current Wording:

Article V. Section 3. Standing Committees


Book Awards



and History







Standards and Guidelines

Proposed Change:

Remove “Public Awareness”

Wording if Passed: 

Article V. Section 3. Standing Committees




Archives and History


Pre-service Education


Intellectual Freedom

Standards and Guidelines

Book Awards




Item #4

Rationale for Change:

The Advocacy and Public Awareness Committees have similar purposes - to advocate for school libraries and librarians, and to publicize their activities. Combining the committees will unify and simplify the process.

Current Wording:

Article VII. Committees, Sections, and Regional Network

Section 2. Selection of Standing Committee Chairpersons. The President, with majority approval of the Executive Committee, shall appoint chairpersons for the following committees: Advocacy, Archives and History, Auditing, Awards, Book Awards, By-Laws, Editorial, Information Technology, Intellectual Freedom, Legislative, Pre-service Education, Public Awareness, and Standards and Guidelines for a term of one year. The Book Awards chairperson shall be known as the Book Awards Executive Board Representative. The previous SCASL Librarian of the Year shall be expected to serve as chairperson of the awards committee. In the event that this person is unable to serve as chairperson, the President shall appoint a replacement chairman, with majority approval of the Executive Committee.

Proposed Change:

Remove “Public Awareness”

Wording if Passed: 

Article VII. Committees, Sections, and Regional Network

Section 2. Selection of Standing Committee Chairpersons. The President, with majority approval of the Executive Committee, shall appoint chairpersons for the following committees: Advocacy, Archives and History, Auditing, Awards, Book Awards, By-Laws, Editorial, Information Technology, Intellectual Freedom, Legislative, Pre-service Education, and Standards and Guidelines for a term of one year. The Book Awards chairperson shall be known as the Book Awards Executive Board Representative. The previous SCASL Librarian of the Year shall be expected to serve as chairperson of the awards committee. In the event that this person is unable to serve as chairperson, the President shall appoint a replacement chairman, with majority approval of the Executive Committee.


Item #5

Rationale for Change

Officers are not the only elected positions in the association, and this change clarifies confusion about elections. 

Current Wording

Section 8. Nominations and Elections.

a. The Elections Committee shall nominate candidates for the offices and for members-at-large of the Elections Committee to be filled at the annual meeting. The consent of each nominee must be obtained before he or she is added to the proposed slate. The slate shall be presented to the Board of Directors for approval requiring two-thirds affirmative vote of those present and voting. Notice of the proposed slate shall be included in the last issue of the SCASL Messenger posted online before the annual conference. It shall also be disseminated electronically.

b. The immediate Past President will serve as chair of the Elections Committee. The duties of the Elections Committee shall be to make recommendations for nominees to serve as officers of the association. The committee will be composed of the Regional Network Director and three other members who shall be elected by the membership. Members of the Elections Committee will serve a one-year term.

c. Nominations by Petition A candidate may be nominated by petition signed by twenty-five (25) SCASL members. This petition, along with the written consent of the nominee, shall be filed with the Immediate Past President two hours prior to the Association's annual business meeting. The names of candidates so nominated will be added to the ballot.

Section 9. Elections. A majority of those members present and voting at the annual business meeting shall determine the results of the election. Voting shall be by ballot unless there is only one nominee for each office or position. In such case, the election vote may be conducted by viva voce.

Section 10. Filling Position Vacancies. If the office of the President becomes vacant, the Immediate Past President shall succeed for the remainder of the unexpired term. Should the Immediate Past President be unable to fill the office of President, the title, duties and obligations shall fall to the President-Elect who shall finish the remainder of the unexpired term and continue in office through his/her own term as President.

a. Should a vacancy occur in the office of President-Elect, the Board of Directors shall place in nomination the name or names of persons to fill the unexpired term. A written announcement of this action and a ballot for election by the general membership will be mailed to the membership. Provision shall be made for write-in votes and the deadline for return of ballots will be stated on the ballot.

b. Should a vacancy occur in the office of Treasurer, the vacancy shall be filled by a majority vote of the remainder of the Board of Directors.

c. Should a vacancy occur in the office of Secretary, the vacancy shall be filled by a majority vote of the remainder of the Board of Directors.

d. Any other vacancy in the Board of Directors shall be filled by a majority vote of the remainder of the Board of Directors.

Proposed Change

Remove sections 8, 9, and 10 from Article IV. Officers and move them to a new Article, Article V. Elections with sections 1, 2, and 3. 

Wording if Passed

Article V: Elections.

Section 1. Nominations.

a. The Elections Committee shall nominate candidates for the offices and for members-at-large of the Elections Committee to be filled at the annual meeting. The consent of each nominee must be obtained before he or she is added to the proposed slate. The slate shall be presented to the Board of Directors for approval requiring two-thirds affirmative vote of those present and voting. Notice of the proposed slate shall be included in the last issue of the SCASL Messenger posted online before the annual conference. It shall also be disseminated electronically.

b. The immediate Past President will serve as chair of the Elections Committee. The duties of the Elections Committee shall be to make recommendations for nominees to serve as officers of the association. The committee will be composed of the Regional Network Director and three other members who shall be elected by the membership. Members of the Elections Committee will serve a one-year term.

c. Nominations by Petition A candidate may be nominated by petition signed by twenty-five (25) SCASL members. This petition, along with the written consent of the nominee, shall be filed with the Immediate Past President two hours prior to the Association's annual business meeting. The names of candidates so nominated will be added to the ballot.

Section 2. Elections.

A majority of those members present and voting at the annual business meeting shall determine the results of the election. Voting shall be by ballot unless there is only one nominee for each office or position. In such case, the election vote may be conducted by viva voce.

Section 3. Filling Position Vacancies.

If the office of the President becomes vacant, the Immediate Past President shall succeed for the remainder of the unexpired term. Should the Immediate Past President be unable to fill the office of President, the title, duties and obligations shall fall to the President-Elect who shall finish the remainder of the unexpired term and continue in office through his/her own term as President.

a. Should a vacancy occur in the office of President-Elect, the Board of Directors shall place in nomination the name or names of persons to fill the unexpired term. A written announcement of this action and a ballot for election by the general membership will be mailed to the membership. Provision shall be made for write-in votes and the deadline for return of ballots will be stated on the ballot.

b. Should a vacancy occur in the office of Treasurer, the vacancy shall be filled by a majority vote of the remainder of the Board of Directors.

c. Should a vacancy occur in the office of Secretary, the vacancy shall be filled by a majority vote of the remainder of the Board of Directors.

d. Any other vacancy in the Board of Directors shall be filled by a majority vote of the remainder of the Board of Directors.



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