The 2019-20 SC Book Award Committee Application is open!
The 2019-20 SC Book Award Committee Application is open!
We are looking for members for all levels: Picture (4K-3), Children’s (3-6), Junior (6-9), and Young Adult (9-12). Please keep in mind that there are more openings on some committees than others and that two-thirds of each committee must be made up of school librarians. This will determine how many folks will be accepted (and what status: school librarian, teacher, student, other we can accept).
As with all SCASL Committees, volunteers who serve on committees must be a SCASL member for the duration of their service on the committee. Book Awards are a two year commitment.
Please be sure to read over the minimum list of requirements at the top of the application before completing the application.
The 2019-20 meeting dates are May 4, August 10, October 26 and December 7.
Thank you for considering serving on Book Awards!
Heather Loy
2018-19 SC Book Award Chair
SCASL Past President (2012-13)
Wagener-Salley High School
272 Main Street South
Wagener, SC 29164
(803) 564-1102