The Book Award Committees are still accepting applications for the 2018-19
Picture, Children’s, Junior, and Young Adult Committees. Looking at the committee
memberships right now, we still need….
PBA Committee
- 13 more members
- more student members as there is only one currently on the committee
- parent members as there are no parent members on the committee
- applications from the following SCASL regions (as there are no members): Region 5, 7, 8 and 10
CBA Committee
- 10 more members
- more student members as there are only three currently on the committee
- more teachers as there is only one currently on the committee
- parent members as there are none on the committee
- applications from the following SCASL regions (as there are no members): Region 2, 6, 8, 10
JBA Committee
- 5 more members
- more parent or other members as there is currently only one parent on the committee
- applications from the following SCASL regions (as there are no members): Region 2, 6, 7, 8, 10
YABA Committee
- 15 more members
- more students as there are only two currently on the committee
- more parents as there is only one currently on the committee
- at least 5-8 more media specialists
- applications from the following SCASL regions (as there are no members): Region 2, 8, 9, 10
Before you consider applying, here is a breakdown of the responsibilities for being a
book award committee member:
- membership on a committee is a two year commitment
- members must maintain SCASL membership for the length of your term on the book award committee
- members agree to attend four Columba area meetings [2018 dates are May 19, Aug. 4, Oct. 8, and Dec.4 and missing more than one meeting automatically removes you from the committee]
- members read approximately 100 (YABA), 150 (JBA), 175 (JBA) or 200 (PBA) books to narrow the titles down to the top 20 best books [The committee you serve as a parent, student, teacher, librarian, etc. is determined by the level you work or the grade your child attends: PBA is grades 4K-3; CBA is grades 3-6; JBA is grades 6-9; and YABA is grades 9-12.]
- members submit 12 titles for the next years consideration list
- members are required to create an activity guide for at least one nominee title
- members attend the SCASL conference, are present at the appropriate book talk sessions and present a booktalk for at least one book
- members work one shift in the Book Award section of the conference store during the SCASL annual conference
Book Award Application Link: https://goo.gl/Wr3jLH
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